Category: Navigating Corporate Culture
The Role of Mentorship in Career Advancement (Part 2): Becoming an Effective Mentor and Its Impact
In the first part of this series, we explored the immense value of mentorship in career advancement from the perspective of the mentee. In this post, we’ll turn the lens toward the mentors—the experienced professionals who guide and inspire the next generation. Mentorship is more than just an exchange of…
The Importance of Having Mentors in Career Advancement for African American Women Executives
Mentorship has always been a key element in career development, especially for African American women executives who often face unique challenges on their way to leadership roles. With only 1.6% of C-suite positions held by African American women, the scarcity of role models can make professional growth seem daunting (…
Garnering Support for African American Women Executives: The Power of Networks, Allies, and Support Systems (Part 2)
In the journey toward executive leadership, African American/Black women face unique challenges that require more than just resilience, intelligence, and perseverance. As highlighted in part one of this series, building a professional network is an essential strategy for success. However, networking alone is not enough. True growth and success also…